ES fondu jaunumiCentrālbaltijas programma 2014-2020 gadam izsludinājusi konkursu uz projektu vadītāju vietām, aicinot ikvienu reģiona, pašvaldību pārstāvi, kā arī nozaru ekspertus pieteikties, nodrošinot konkurenci un Latvijas pārstāvniecību programmas komandā. Pieteikšanās līdz 2014.gada 7.martam plkst.15:00 (pēc Somijas laika).
Recruitment started for Central Baltic 2014-2020The The Regional Council of Southwest Finland is setting up the Joint Secretariat for the new Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 and is now looking for members of staff to launch the implementation of the programme. The aim is to open the first call for project proposals in the end of 2014. The recruitment of the staff will continue in 2015 so that the programme will be fully staffed in 2015. • Project manager (transport) Detailed job descriptions and instructions on applying can be found at Deadline for applications is 7 March, 2014, at 15 o' clock Finnish time.