Jaunumi Vidzemē

Šā gada 15.jūnijā aicinām uz atvērto diskusiju par pūļa finansējuma piesaisti MVU. Diskusiju vadīs viens no vadošajiem crowdfunding ekspertiem Roland Kleverlaan. Diskusija notiks angļu valodā.

Informācija par pasākumu:

Crowdfunding is offering great opportunities for SMEs to get access to capital and build a group of loyal fans of your company. Based on a report of Cambridge University & EY, the size of this market will reach 7 billion euro in Europe this year. To continue this growth, also in other countries such as Latvia, education is needed for entrepreneurs and investors to create a sustainable crowdfunding eco-system.

On the occasion of the FIRST INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISE WEEK Conference 2015, there will take place an open discussion.

Need for education (investors and entrepreneurs)

Insights how to setup a sustainable ecosystem to support crowdfunding / alternative finance and educational program for entrepreneurs and investors on crowdfunding?

Main Speaker:

Ronald Kleverlaan

Advisor "Crowd Investing" European Commission Co-founder & Executive Board member European Crowdfunding Network Founder CrowdfundingHub - Crowdfunding Knowledge center

Venue: Altum, Doma laukums 4

Date: Monday 15th June 09:00 – 11:00

Language: English

Please RSVP by 11th of June, 2015 to Anna.Korniseva PIE altum PUNKTS lv

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Anna Korņiševa. Contact information: 67774133, Anna.Korniseva PIE altum PUNKTS lv


Informācijas avots: Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum




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