LATVIAN FOOD BIOECONOMY CLUSTER (LFBC) is a triple-helix cluster organization, one of the most developed and internationally active bioeconomy clusters in the Baltic countries.
The vision of the cluster is to become a key food bioeconomy innovation hub in Latvia.
The objectives of the cluster are:
- To promote the sustainable production, processing, and consumption of healthy, high-quality, and safe food.
- To develop knowledge-based food bioeconomy innovations.
- To promote scientific and industrial cooperation both locally and internationally.
Cluster fosters cooperation between its members and external partners, to promote knowledge and technology transfer, develop new products, technologies, and innovative solutions, to promote a modernization, competitiveness, growth of export capacity and innovation capacity of the cluster members.
Main priority areas of the cluster are:
- Product and technology development
- Networking and knowledge transfer
- Development of the regional food bioeconomy innovation ecosystem
- Internationalization
- Sustainable food production
Members of the cluster are innovative food industry companies, universities and R&D institutions working in the field of bioeconomy and Vidzeme Planning Region.
Cluster strives to promote more sustainable use of resources and environmentally friendly food production, progress towards EU-level climate neutrality goals and UN sustainable development goals and also increase the awareness and knowledge in society about the potential of sustainable innovation in the food production and consumption value chain which is grounded in the principles of circular bioeconomy, sustainable use of biological resources and conservation of biodiversity.
Cluster is developing the internationalization of the cluster and its members - to promote international cooperation with clusters and related institutions operating in the field of bioeconomy and food production and processing industries, as well as food and bioeconomy innovation initiatives, cooperation networks, platforms and consortia, science parks, business incubators and innovation centers in the Europe and globally.
Currently cluster has 14 members. Cluster is an open organization and is inviting new members to become members or collaboration partners of the cluster.
Since 2011 cluster has been involved as a partner, associated partner or beneficiary in several international and interregional projects and is actively collaborating with other cluster organizations, networks, R&D organizations, and science parks in Europe. LFBC is a proven collaboration partner which has a member network of partners with various competences and business profiles.
LFBC is interested to develop joint projects with partners from other countries in such areas as bio economy, food innovation, food processing side streams valorization, functional foods, sustainable food packaging and design, sustainable food logistics, gourmet tourism, digitalization and modernization of agri-food sector.
Vidzeme Planning Region (VPR) is one of the initiators and a founding member of the LFBC and is also represented on a management board of the LFBC. Since the 2010 Vidzeme Planning Region has actively supported the growth and development of the LFBC and has implemented several international projects supporting the LFBC development. The development and strategic internationalization of the LFBC is defined among priority action areas in the Long-term development strategy 2030 and Development programme 2015-2020 of the Vidzeme planning region.
First 10 years of the cluster: development milestones from formal network to a bioeconomy hub
- 2010 - “Vidzeme high added value and healthy food cluster” initiated and established as a formalized regional triple helix network of participants on a basis of cooperation agreement. VPR acting as a manager and coordinator of the network.
- 2011 - First cluster internationalization activities started by developing cooperation with other food sector cluster organizations in the Baltic Sea region.
- 2012 - Cluster integrated in BSR Stars project: “BSR Food Cluster Network around the Baltic Sea (BSR FOOD)”; cluster received a strategic consultancy and training course on cluster development from one of the world’s leading experts in the field: Mr. Ifor Ffowcs Williams (CEO „Cluster Navigators”, New Zealand).
- 2013 - Cluster started collaboration with the “Baltfood” (The Baltic Sea Region Food Cluster) network; cluster involved in the Leonardo da Vinci programme project: “Vidzeme ecologic beverage manufacturers' internship in France” (project implemented by VPR).
- 2014 - Cluster network has grown up to more than 30 participants and partners. Decision to upgrade management and membership structure of the cluster and to transform it from formalized network to a registered membership association – cluster organization with a legal body – is reached.
- 2015 - Cluster formalized and established as a registered membership association “Latvian high added value and healthy food cluster”, managed by the Board (Board represented by three companies, one R&D institution and VPR. All three companies forming the board of the cluster (Aloja-Starkelsen, Ltd., Valmiermuižas Alus, Ltd., Felici, Ltd.) have been selected as finalists of Annual Swedish Business awards in Latvia)); Cluster involved in the BSR Innovation express project: “Enhancing market competitiveness in food SME’s-new methodologies and better interaction (EMCF)”;
- 2017 - Development strategy for the Cluster was advanced with the help of expert consultancy by Mr. Erkki Pöytäniemi (Kurmakka - Organic Food OY, Finland) within 5FOREXCELLENCE project; Cluster represented in the “Spotlight Latvia” business conference in Chicago, U.S., by member company Aloja-Starkelsen Ltd.; Cluster implemented the BSR Innovation express project: “Cross-sectoral collaboration for efficient and sustainable food value chains in Baltic Sea Region (Pack &Food Baltic)”; Cluster entered in several international consortia, developing project applications within H2020 programme; Cluster involved as an associated partner in Interreg BSR 2014.-2020.programme flagship project “Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart bio economy clusters and innovation ecosystems (RDI2CluB)
- 2018 – Cluster members participated in several benchmarking visits to bioeconomy clusters and networks in The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden. Development of several Horizon 2020 project applications in the areas of biorefinery and food processing side streams valorization. A new agenda is set for the cluster - to become a food bioeconomy hub.
- 2019 – Cluster transformation process to become a food bioeconomy cluster. Cluster becoming an associated partner in the Interreg BSR 2014.-2020. Programme project: "Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea region (BalticBiomass4Value).
- 2020 – Cluster officially re-established as a Latvian Food Bioeconomy Cluster (LFBC).
LFBC members (2020):
How to become a member?
If a company organization wishes to become a member of LFBC, it must submit a simple application form to the Cluster board. If the Cluster Board accepts candidate organization as a cluster member, it will officially inform the organization of the decision and include it in the members database.
Cluster embers are obliged to contribute a yearly membership fee and can participate in all cluster internal and international activities, events and projects and receive regular information and actively contribute to the cluster development.
Contact Information:
Legal Address:
Zinātnes iela 2, Priekuļi, Priekuļu pagasts, Priekuļu novads, LV- 4126, Latvia
Registration No.
klasteris PIE arei PUNKTS lv
Cluster official on-line profile in the European Cluster Collaboration Platform:
Cluster contact person in Vidzeme Planning Region:
Kristaps Ročāns
Project Manager/Expert, LFC Board Member/Managing Director
e-mail: Kristaps.rocans PIE vidzeme PUNKTS lv
Phone: +371 29753011
Chairman of the LFC Board
Jānis Garančs
Managing Director ALOJA-STARKELSEN, Ltd.
e-mail: janis.garancs PIE culinar PUNKTS lv
phone: +371 29423847
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