Baltic Training Programme (BTP)
Lead partner
Norden Association, Sweden
- Frans Schartau Business Institute, Sweden
- Narva Vocational Training Centre, Estonia
- Vidzeme Planning Region, Latvia
Associated partners
- 1. Stokholms Craftmanship Association, Sweden
- 2. Estonian University of Life Sciences, Open University, Estonia
- 3. Vidzeme University College, Latvia
- 4. Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Valmiera Regional Branch, Latvia
To develop the capacity of the region to take advantage of a well educated, mobile workforce as a growth motor.
Main activities
Implementation of a testing model for students of vocational education and training (education module, internship at hostcompanies of the neighbouring countries);
Stakeholder seminars on topics related to vocational education and cross-border entrepreneurship;
Establishment of the Baltic network for vocational training
75 individual business projects carried out by the participants in co-operation with their host companies;
5 stakeholder seminars and a conference related to vocational education and cross-border entrepreneurship organised
983 905 EUR
Implementation period
October 2009 - April 2012
Contact person
Dagnija Ūdre, dagnija.udre@vidzeme.lv, +371 29219477
Project home page