Citizen Participation in Biodiversity Governance (CIBioGo)The "CIBioGO" project contributes to the EU Biodiversity' s Strategy for 2030, which aims to turn at least 30% of land and sea into effectively managed protected areas. A system of stakeholders is expected to be established in each partner region to promote robust and widely recognized governance structures. The exchange of experiences will result in the identification of the most appropriate participatory management tools and methods in the areas of stakeholder and population engagement, conflict resolution, innovative financing schemes and monitoring protocols adapted to the identified biodiversity of each partner region. The focus of the Vidzeme Planning Region in the "CIBioGo" project is the preservation of biological diversity, focusing directly on nature tourism, incl. nature trails, in order to more actively ensure the connection of organising nature tourism with the preservation of biological diversity, raising awareness of the value of biological diversity and ecosystem services. read more... |