Competitive Regions and Employability of Adults through Education (CREATE)AE policies and strategies are set by EU and National governments but are implemented by regional/local authorities. At present, there are no consolidated mechanisms nor platforms to allow local authorities across EU to establish contact, exchange practices, share knowledge and experiences in the formulation and implementation of local/national AE policies and programmes. There is an immediate need to overcome such regional disparities by empowering regional/local authorities to design effective AE policies and programmes – in cooperation with social and private actors - and embed them in local development strategies. CREATE is an innovative project which establishes cooperation between regional authorities to promote development of AE systems and their integration in local and regional development. CREATE brings together regional/local authorities (including a EuroRegion), academia, third and private sectors involved in AE to build cross-sectoral synergies for the realisation of a truly EU project with 9 partners in 8 countries.