EFFECT4buildings objective is to improve the capacity of public building managers in the participating regions (DK, NO, SE, PL,LV, FI, EE) by providing them a comprehensive decision making support toolbox with a set of financial instruments to unlock the investments and lower the risks of implementing energy efficiency measures (retrofitting, upgrading and deep renovation) in buildings owned by public stakeholders.
The project will result in a toolbox with financial methods that can improve profitability, facilitate funding and reduce the risk of energy investment in real estate. Examples of tools are profitability calculations, action packages, contribution optimization, EPC, multifunctional agreements, green leases and economic models for both production and energy use.
The project will make the toolbox available online and train property managers in how to use the tools and increase their ability to convince decision makers to implement and invest in energy efficiency measures
- Compiled report on interviews with target group and associated organisations, including 35 good examples and map of stakeholder interconnections;
- The White paper on tecnhological solutions;
- The White paper for all seven tools and instruments for building managers– Bundling methods, Energy investment funding, Convincing decision maker, ESCO and Energy performance contracting (EPC), Multi service contracts, Green leasing contracts, Prosumerism;
- Training programme of technological solutions, improved financial instruments and tools;
- Improvement recommendations for policy level regarding implementation of financial tools and instruments.