Aim |
The aim of PANEL 2050 project is to create durable and replicable sustainable energy networks at local (municipality/community) level, where relevant local stakeholders collaborate for the creation of a local energy visions, strategies and action plans for the transition towards low carbon communities in 2050.
Objective 1: To identify and support local energy leaders who take the lead in the development and implementation of local action plans, promote the concept to other local (municipalities) and overseeing the long term sustainability of the local stakeholder networks.
Objective 2: To create local stakeholder networks that will develop a shared and broadly supported vision for low carbon communities in 2050.
Objective 3: To develop new broadly share local sustainable energy strategies.
Objective 4: To improve capacity of local stakeholder network and frontrunners
Objective 5: To strengthen and replicate the concept of local stakeholder networks by targeted communication towards other local communities, regional, national and EU public authorities.
Create Forerunner Training Programme: Design Training Curriculum, Create Guidebook, Train the Trainer Workshops, Conduct Local Advocacy Training, Conduct Forerunners Boot Camp, Conduct International Advocacy Workshops
Create Roadmaps 2050: Create Local/Regional Stakeholder Maps, Analyse Current Status of Local Energy Supply and Usage, Create common methodology for developing energy roadmaps, Consult Stakeholders and citizens, Create Local Energy Visions, Design local roadmaps for 2050, Design local action plans
Establish Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEN)
Disseminate and replicate project results.
New policies and strategies created and adapted are to include sustainable energy issues at all governance levels –local/regional policy documents and strategies.
Developed Action Plans by organisations represented in the Regional Roadmap Teams.
More energy market stakeholders and individuals within these organisations with increased skills/capability/competencies on local energy policy development.
Established CEESEN and online platform created to facilitates communication between the different members of the CEESEN