Sustainable Food Environments (KISMET)The main objective of the project is to transform the current unfavourable food systems in cities and regions around the Baltic Sea to sustainability. The project tackles the challenge that local and regional authorities often lack capacity, require new impulses or need innovative solutions for realising more circular and sustainable food environments. Since this target group is key for different fields such as business promotion, health, procurement, food policy or environment, KISMET provides them with concrete instruments and tools for working better with governance, the demand-side and the production side. read more...In January of this year, Vidzeme Planning Region started participating in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme’s 2021-2027 project Sustainable Food Environments (KISMET). The main goal of the project is to develop and test a program to promote the creation and development of sustainable food systems in municipalities and/or regions. Since municipalities have one of the most important roles in the areas of business promotion, health, procurement, food policy and environment, KISMET will offer municipalities and regions clear tools that will help them work better with the management of sustainable food systems while promoting sustainable food consumption and production. 21.06.2023 |